Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 98

We headed to see my dear friends in SK today.  I had heard that the roads weren't going to be that good so I decided to leave early.  By noon I had packed up, got an oil change, filled up with gas, checked my tires, grabbed lunch and picked up Jacob.  Off we went.  I had to stop in Lloydminster to do a return and some quick shopping.  Then we were off again.  Well it normally takes me about 5-5 1/2 hrs to get there.  Not so this trip.  The roads did get bad.  They have to be pretty bad for me to admit that they were bad but they were snow covered, drifted even and then ice underneath.  At times I was going only 40 kms an hour.  At one point Jacob was playing with his trains and dropped one, of course wanting it right away again.  I knew if I tried to reach it and give it to him I would most likely take the ditch so I opted to instead pull over onto the shoulder and get the train then continue driving.  So this is what I attempted to do, key word being attempted.  I got the train, and then went to pull out onto the road again and couldn't.  The snow from the ditch kept sucking me it.  I ended up in the ditch!  It was that snow that is like sand, it is icy and there is no traction and you keep sliding.  So now what to do??  Well I could see a farm light not too far up so I started to get out and get Jacob dressed up to start walking, I was smart enough to pack all of our snow gear in case of something like this happening.  Just as I was unbuckling him though a jeep drove by and offered to help.  The very nice man drove us to the farm house and then Mr. Farmer came with his big truck and pulled us out.  OH so thankful we were!  We then continued on our way, safely with no more pulling over.  It did take us about 9 hours in total to get there but we arrived safe and sound.  Thanks for the man stopping, the farmer being home and helping, and the continued safe trip!

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