Okay now this may seem like a silly miracle but to me it is a miracle and gift. I love my hair. Like I love my hair so much I don't know if I could ever be one of those people that donates their hair to cancer or to shave their head for a good cause. However hair is upkeep. I have always struggled with hairdressers, who does what I ask, who isn't too expensive, who does a good job......
Well on a whim yesterday I called and made an appointment at a salon that I haven't gone to for years. I quit going because the hairdresser that I had moved on. So I went and it was a cute younger girl, probably early 20's, that was going to cut my hair. Now first thing I notice, how long and healthy her hair is. I notice very few highlights so she must not dye her hair much. Then I explain what I want, take off all the dead. I'm actually wanting a couple of inches off my ends because I know that's how bad my hair has gotten. I'm nervous, not that she'll go to short but that she won't take enough off. A few months ago I had gone somewhere else and told them this exact same request and they took barely an inch off. So she looks at my hair and says, "it's going to be a lot off." "That's okay" I respond, wondering if her idea of a lot and my idea are comparable. THEY ARE! She took probably 2-3" off my ends and my hair now feels healthy again. I took a closer look at her hair when she was close to me and I noticed her hair had no split ends.
Now this may seem like a silly miracle but seriously to find a hair dresser that doesn't over process their own hair and takes care of it is a hair dresser I like. So miracle of day 18 is that I now have found a hairdresser in my small little town that isn't outrageously over priced, does what I want and does a good job.
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